Small Groups

Small groups are a really important part of church life. They allow groups of about 6-12 people from church to meet in a more informal setting - usually someone's home - to share food, pray, discuss the Bible and develop friendships. Our small groups do Bible study from what has been preached on Sunday so we can help each other go deeper into what God is saying to us as a community and personally.

Joe Martin is our Small Group Co-ordinator. He will give you advice about groups and point you in the right direction.  Or you can leave your details here, specifying which group(s) you're interested in and the relevant group leader(s) will get back to you with more information.

We have a number of small groups located in and around the area: 

Tuesday 10.45am - Bible Discussion Group - Eileen MacDonald
We meet at church each week.  It's all ladies at the moment, but men are welcome!  We have folks attending who don't come from Hill Cliffe and we still have room for more.  We encourage prayer requests and we support each other in this as well as in other ways.

Tuesday 7.30pm (every other week) - Mary Evans, Paul and Deborah Beards
We meet in someone's home.  We spend the first 60-75 minutes looking at the Bible and sharing thoughts on the study notes and other questions that are raised, then we pray together and finish with tea, cakes and general chat. There are only 5 of us at present, and we all really appreciate meeting together but we would love to have others join us as we study the Bible together, learn from, care for and sometimes eat with one another. We tend to be ready to go home around 9:15

Tuesday 8pm - Ladies Group - Sarah Harris and Emily Palmer
We are a group of women who have school / college age children.  We meet at someone's home each week during term time.  We start with a catch up, then go into Bible study and finish with a time of prayer at about 9.30pm.  We support each other and use WhatsApp for prayer requests during the week. 

Wednesday 7.30-9pm (every other week) - Stephen Kent
We are an online Zoom group.  We come from many different faith backgrounds (Catholic, Anglican and Baptist).  We have different views at times but we listen to each other carefully and respect one another’s opinions.  We spend a generous half of our time in study and the rest in prayer.  We all feel God’s presence among us and we come away from our time together with increased knowledge and joy at having studied God’s word with a group of very special fellow Christians.

Wednesday 7.45pm - Bridge Group - Tom Battarbee
We meet in someone's home, starting with coffee and catch up, then our study. Sometimes we dedicate the evening to praying about world events and personal situations, sometimes we have a social evening. We are a caring group who want to grow together spiritually, supporting each other to live out our faith through the ups and downs of life. We seek to respond to need around us and have a connection with Refugee Aid.

Wednesday 7.45pm - Red Lane Group - Tim and Dawn Appleton
We meet at someone's home starting with chat and cake, then Bible study, followed by prayer for each other.

Wednesday 8pm - Grainger Group - Tim and Jenny Grainger
We meet in our home, the group has a good range of ages. We try to create an informal and relaxed atmosphere, and be supportive and encouraging of one another. Home Group is such an important way of honestly learning together in our walk with God. You would be very welcome to join us.

Thursday 7.15pm - Curtis Group - Keith and Liz Curtis
We meet in our home in Appleton. We start with tea, coffee, cake and a catch up.  We spend an hour or so looking at the study for the week before finishing with a short prayer time.  We officially finish by 9pm but do sometimes linger longer chatting!  We use Whatsapp to share prayer requests, updates & encouragement during the week.