Safeguarding Policy 2024
Statement: As a church, we commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all, especially children, young people and adults at risk.
- The church recognises its responsibilities for the safeguarding of all children and young people under the age of 18 (regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexuality or ability) as set out in The Children Act 1989 and 2004, Safe from Harm (HM Government 1994) and Working Together to Safeguard Children (HM Government 2010).
- It is the policy of this church to safeguard the welfare of children, and all others involved in activities, by protecting them from neglect and abuse (physical, emotional, spiritual and sexual) The whole church has a responsibility towards child protection, caring for the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of our children and young people. Any concerns should be immediately raised with John Harper or Sarah Harris (Designated People for Safeguarding).
Safe Recruitment, Support and Supervision of Workers
- The church will exercise proper care in the selection and appointment of those working with children and young people. All workers will be offered appropriate training, support and supervision to promote safeguarding of children.
- Hill Cliffe Baptist Volunteers and others in regular contact with children and young people are in a position to get to know those individuals well, to develop trusting relationships, observe changes in behaviour and may be chosen by the young person to share confidences and concerns. Regrettably, there are occasions where child abuse is alleged or suspected. All such situations must be taken seriously.
- It is also the policy of this church to protect adults working with children and young people by providing them with appropriate guidelines and safe working practises.
- It is the responsibility of each adult to ensure that their behaviour is appropriate at all times. Details of the procedure/steps to take if abuse is alleged or suspected are also included below. It is important we remember at all times that we are not investigating officers.
- If there is an allegation or suspicion of abuse at any time then this must be reported immediately to John Harper or Sarah Harris. It is their responsibility to refer to social services/police. At all times the welfare of the child or young person is paramount.
- Each Organisation using Hill Cliffe’s buildings to work with children or young people must do so in line with this Safeguarding Policy.
Eg: Ensuring access to the buildings is regulated by staff who are DBS checked and ensure that the front door to HCBC remains locked or staffed, as appropriate.
Complying with Hill Cliffe Baptist’s Safeguarding Policy
1. You are required to read, understand and sign this document before you take up any duties with children and young people in this Church.
2. Please return a signed copy of this Policy to John Harper (or via the Church Office)
- # This Policy should be on public display in church, at all times, for reference purposes.
Procedure/Steps to take if you Suspect a Child/Young person is being Abused
- Immediately contact the Designated people for Safeguarding (John Harper or Sarah Harris)
- Record the known facts in writing and give them to John Harper or Sarah Harris, keeping a copy for yourself. DO NOT share this information with other people as this may compromise any future investigation.
If a child or young person tells you they are being abused:
a) Allow them to speak without interruption, without challenging what is said.
b) Advise them that you will offer support, but that you MUST pass on the information to John Harper, and that you won’t tell anyone who doesn’t need to know.
c) Immediately tell John Harper or Sarah Harris (if both unavailable then contact Steve Gray – Church Secretary)
d) Record the facts as you know them, including the account given to you by the young person and give a copy to Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding (John Harper)
If you receive an allegation about any adult or about yourself:
a) Immediately tell John Harper or Sarah Harris if the allegation involves John H for example
b) Record the facts as you know them and give a copy to John Harper or Sarah Harris if the allegation implicates John Harper, for example.
This Code of Behaviour gives a summary of positive guidance for all adults. It is essential that all adults follow the Code of Behaviour whether they work with children, young people or adults.
Code of Behaviour
Do treat everyone with Respect.
Do provide a Christ like example you wish others to follow.
Do plan activities so that they involve more than one other person or at least in sight or hearing of others.
Do respect a child’s or young person’s right to personal privacy.
Do create an environment where children, young people and adults feel comfortable to graciously point out attitudes or behaviours they find difficult to tolerate.
Do ask the caring question of any activity: For whose benefit is this activity?
Do act as a responsible adult role model.
Do not permit abusive peer activities (eg: bullying or ridiculing).
Do not participate in activities based primarily on physical contact (eg: wrestling, horse play etc.)
Do not make inappropriate comments or verbal exchanges with young people (eg: swearing, inappropriate jokes, suggestive comments).
Do not get into a situation where you rely on your ‘good name’ to protect you from allegation.
Do not believe it could never happen to you. Proverbs says only a fool would say this!
We wish to promote a common sense approach to Safeguarding. We do not want to create an atmosphere of paranoia or discourage appropriate adults from volunteering to serve within our youth and children’s work.
We recognise that no policy is fool proof and no organisation is beyond reproach. However... We want to be seen to be proactive in delivering what we understand to be best practice, so as to primarily protect the children and young people we serve in our care.
Further guidelines and specific detail can be found in the Model Safeguarding Policies and Procedures (Ed. Feb 2021). A copy of this can be made available to anyone who asks John Harper.
If you are uncertain about any of this policy please contact ( John Harper to discuss the matter privately before it has the opportunity to become an issue.
Recommended Ratios for Working with Children or Young People
Indoor Activities
Aged 0-2 Years – 1 adult : 3 children (minimum 2)
Aged 2-3 Years – 1 adult : 4 children (minimum 2)
Aged 3-8 years – 1 adult : 8 children (minimum 2)
8 years and over – 2 adults : 20 (male and female ideally plus 1 extra adult for every 10 children)
Outdoor Activities
Aged 0-2 Years – 1 adult : 3 children (minimum 2)
Aged 2-3 Years – 1 adult : 4 children (minimum 2)
Aged 3-8 years – 1 adult : 6 children (minimum 2)
Aged 8- 12 years – 2 adults : 15 children (male and female ideally plus 1 extra adult for every 8 children)
Aged 13 and over – 2 adults : 20 children (male and female ideally plus 1 extra adult for every 10 young people)
Volunteers and Staff
Everyone wanting to work with children or young people within Hill Cliffe’s ministries is required to apply for a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
In the event of a person being new to the congregation (within the last 12 months) then additional references may be taken (from previous employers or church)
Contacts at Hill Cliffe Baptist
Youth Worker – John Harper 07840 456564 / 01925 264903
- Sarah Harris 07838159331
Children’s Advocates – Jane Quinn and Sarah Harris (who will regularly remind those in our children’s work that they can speak to them if they are concerned about anything)
Church Sec. – Steve Gray 01925 600989
Regional Minister (NWBA) – Phil Jump 07754 599298 or 01942 221595
Safeguarding: This policy will be annually updated and then viewed by the HCBC Leadership.
Sign and Date this form, then return it to John Harper or Church Office (F.A.O. John H)
I have read and understood the ‘Hill Cliffe Baptist Safeguarding Policy 2024’ and agree to implement the procedures and guidelines, as part of my responsibilities, while working with children or young people.
PRINTED NAME: ..............................................................................................................................
SIGNED: ...........................................................................................................................................
DATE: ...............................................................................................................................................
This document agreement will be kept by John Harper