The Creation Care Group
The Hill Cliffe Creation Care Group exists for 3 main purposes:
To meet to think and reflect about creation care, ecology and the environment from a pro-active Christian perspective, and for our local church context. We are using a set of resources from Eco Church by A Rocha UK to help us in this task.
To encourage and facilitate the church family to increasingly think and act biblically and ecologically - through teaching, presentations, writing an eco-tip and prayer in the weekly church email bulletin, campaigns and events.
To encourage and facilitate local participation with other ecologically / environmentally-minded organisations.
Our latest Campaign
Tearfund’s ‘This is a Rubbish Campaign’ Please engage and Sign-Up.
If you would like to explore joining the Creation Care Group, please speak with Lynda Battarbee, Janet Doorgakant, Rachel D’Sa, Paul Harris, or Eileen MacDonald.